Monday, April 20, 2009


I am annoyed about 2 things tonight & I just had to tell someone! Brad is out of town- so I guess it's my blog audience. - SO -

First, I am annoyed at Perez Hilton (a celebrity blogger & pageant judge - if you haven't heard of him) & the media backlash that Ms. California, contestant of the Ms. USA Pageant has received after answering a question about her opinion as to whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal in all states. She chose to be true to her personal values and stated that she believed marriage should be between a man and a woman. Perez Hilton said he believed her answer to this question cost her the crown! Ms. California came in 2nd place. I am annoyed. In my opinion, when it comes to the media and the way things are reported, it is apparently only OK to have an opinion expressed in public as long as it is "politically correct, liberal, and/or green." It seems to me that all other opinions are frowned upon and quite frankly, ridiculed, and I am tired of it!

Second - I am annoyed at Barbara Walters. Earlier today I was searching through channels on my XM radio in the car & happened upon her show. She was interviewing Reverend Joel Osteen, and he was promoting some big event he is doing at Yankee Stadium this weekend. She asked him a question about his belief that only Christians can go to Heaven since there are a lot of good people who do not believe in Jesus. She then went on to say, "after all, Jews don't believe in Jesus, Mormons don't believe in Jesus, . . ." Oh, she got my attention right there. Did she actually just say that? How could this apparently educated and highly-experienced journalist say something like "Mormons don't believe in Jesus??!" Someone needs to set her straight!

If I could have, I would have called her right that minute and asked her, Barbara -

"Do you KNOW that the name of the Mormon Church is actually, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?"
"Do you KNOW that the entire Mormon religion is centered in Christ?"
"Do you KNOW that testimony of Jesus Christ is born in every meeting I attend on a Sunday afternoon in a Mormon Church?"
"Do you KNOW that we believe in God the Eternal Father and in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."
"Do you KNOW that we believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel?"
"Do you KNOW that - we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. 2 Nephi 25:26?"
"Do you KNOW that the words, "thank you for Jesus Christ" come out of the mouth of my 3-year-old little boy every time he utters a prayer?"
"Do you KNOW that we end every prayer ever offered in our church in Christ's name?"
"Do you KNOW what you're talking about?"
"Do you KNOW how very wrong you were in making that one simple statement?"

Apparently not!

So - tonight I am annoyed. Somebody get me Barbara Walters secretary - and while you're at it, find a way to get a hold of Ms. California so I can say, "Thank you for being true to what you believe!"


Linda said...

Ditto to all of that! I am SO with you! Thanks for putting my feelings into your words!

Kristin said...

SOOO with you! Miss California is on facebook, you can add her as a friend and tell her how proud of her you are, I am actually glad she didn't win because of all of this she has gotten way more publicity that even the winner, i don't know who has won the last 5 years but i know who didn't win this year and that is saying something. As for us not beliving in christ, this seems to be a popular notion lately, brett came home from school saying that a kid in his class said that mormons don't believe in jesus, he corrected the kid but still in the media i have heard this more than once, it seems to be a populat message. I think the church needs to do a campain saying we do!!

Katie said...

You tell her,sister!

Anonymous said...

i totally agree too! while at the doc i had to listen to a news show and it just happened to have miss cal. on she was great and said she would NOT change it and shouldn't she be free to tell her true opinion???? apparently NOT they also had on the idiot guy and he said WELL she should have given her opinion and then said however i believe in equal rights for all people ba hum bug. now we can't even say what we believe did we get transported to cuba while i was napping/?? this is more than annoying it is taking away American rights. on ms walters can't even believe that one. i would find her publicist or manager add and send her a message1 mom

Janet Patrice said...

Barbara Walters' Production company
Barwall Productions
320 West 66th Street
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-0700

Barbara Walters' Agent:
Morton L. Janklow
Janklow & Nesbit
445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-421-1700

Barbara Walters' Publicist:
Cindi Berger

PMK/HBH Public Relations
700 San Vicente Avenue
Suite G-910
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Phone: 310-289-6200

Barbara Walters at "The View" television show:

The View
320 West 66th Steet
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-0900

Janet Patrice said...

LaRae -
I also heard the Joel Osteen interview. I had not heard him speak before, but I do know of him and his wife.

I did not hear the Mormon commnent, but what I heard from her was that she did not believe in any kind of an afterlife, or that we all have purpose on this earth. She believes in luck and chance.... I also thought, "here is this woman who is very intellegent, appears to be compassionate, has seen and done so much - and does not believe her abilities are "God given" or that she has a purpose.... I thought, "How sad..."

As far as Miss CA goes, I agree, this country was based on freedom of speech, not "freedom to agree with the current popular trend...and if you don't - WATCH OUT!" I think it is so sad when people stand up for what the truly beleive in and then are slammed for their belifs.

Janae said...

It's definitely a different world these days. Yay for CA and standing up for her beliefs. Poor Barbara being so misinformed. Wow... Janet finding all that info.! We should all send her a letter:)

Anonymous said...

Hear, Here! I can't believe BW said that!!! Those are great gripes! And Janet, you rock.

Janet Patrice said...

LaRae ... what did you decide about contacting Barbara?

dawnae said...

Good post LaRae! Signs of the times....we have read it so many times in the Bible and Book of Mormon. The parable of the Wheat and the Tares is happening before our very eyes!

Unknown said...

Great reasons to be annoyed! I would think that by now Barbara Walters has been informed that mormons most certainly do believe in Christ. At least I hope she has. This is a great reminder for us to say we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and avoid using the nickname Mormon.

patsy said...

great post here!

I am just stopping by from janaes-
I am in 100% agreement with you- and your other commentors.
kudos for ms. CA & ya- I'm sure Ms. Walters has had an earful

Steph Brackett said...

Amazing. Truly amazing that people are still so uneducated about our church. Surely you would think that at some point in her life she would have come across a member of the church that could share with her our beliefs. I guess we sometimes just take it for granted that we have the gospel in our lives and that there are still those out there who have not been enlightened.....