Thursday, October 9, 2008

He's always watching

Some blog posts are for me - just because I want to remember. This is such a post. This is about an experience from a little over a week ago. I am finally finishing what I started then -

When you have a 2-year-old, you realize that this little person constantly emulates everyone in your household. This is particularly obvious when he mirrors the somewhat obnoxious philosophies of those you live with such as - yell when you're mad, say naughty things like "you're stupid", scream and throw a fit when you get put in time out, yell when your hair gets brushed, even if it doesn't hurt, and so the list goes. Thankfully, the good is emulated as well, and he demonstrates daily that he knows when to say "thank you", when to say "I love you" and "I'm sorry", how to carry on a phone conversation, how to clean up his toys, and more. Eventually, Ben will learn to sort out the good from the bad and form his own thoughts and feelings about how to handle his life and the world around him. In the mean time, he watches and listens and learns and emulates.

Ben has observed the prayers of his family members during these past 2 years, and he has learned the fundamental elements of praying and is ready to branch out on his own. He has started expressing the desire to pray aloud and to take his turn at the dinner table or during family prayer. The girls all want Ben to pray every time because his prayers are quick & cute and not long & boring like mom & dad's. Tonight, 2 1/2-year-old Ben said the sweetest prayer, without the help of anyone. He is learning and listening, and capable of verbalizing his own ideas - as he illustrated in his simple prayer tonight:
He folded his arms, bowed his head (eyes open, however) then started, "Dear Heavenly Father" - in his high pitched, yet quiet prayer tone.
He then said, "thank you Lacey go night night. Thank you Katie go night night."
"Thank you Madi go to dance."
"Thank you for Jesus and thank you for pictures" (you may remember from a previous post that this means scriptures).
Then he ended with, "Amen" in a louder, less high-pitched, proud tone.

He waited for his praises, smiling his proudest smile. He knew he had accomplished something grand. When he & I pray together before he goes to bed, he usually wants me to say his prayer for him. But, when the family is gathered together, as of late, he is eager and hopeful that it is his turn to pray. I have a feeling it will be Ben's turn any time he wants it to be.

As I think about all Ben has learned in these 2 years of life, I can't help but think about all those who influence his life for good - the people he emulates - the people who are part of him. He loves his family and talks about everyone frequently, as demonstrated by these remarks he often makes -

Granddaddy catch a fish.
Poppy takes me for a four-ride (four-wheeler ride at the cabin).
I want to talk to Mammy.
I want to go to Grandma Judy's house.
Aunt Kimmy bring me my Thomas puzzle and my turtle deetee from Grandma Judy.
Where's Uncle Mike & Aunt Karla?
The goats are at Aunt Aimee's and Uncle Casey's.
I want to see Ava and Vivi.
Where my Lacey go?
I love Ry and Ella Bean.
Daddy, can you play with me?
Can we see Abby J?

And - a few photos of Ben - observing the people he loves - remember that he is always watching -

Big sister Katie shares her DS with Ben

Jeffrey & Clark - "Boy" cousins - something he doesn't have much of on the Zobrist side of the family!

Jamison - the Wallace "boy" cousin who is closest to Ben's age & Ben knows it!

Watching big sis Lacey, quite possibly his greatest hero & grandest nemesis at the same time

Watching cousin Vivi

Helping granddaddy catch a fish

Helping daddy catch a fish

Big sister Madi - leads the way


JK said...

Oh, LaRae! Thank you again for helping to keep our family connected! I love all the little baby sayings and animations that are so quickly forgotten unless written down. You are wonderful! Love, JK

Katie said...

That pic of Ben looking at lacey is so cute. You can see the look of adoration in his little eyes! How would it be to be totally worshiped like that!?

Anonymous said...

I love those pictures of Ben and those he emulates. What a sweet prayer; no wonder you wanted to capture it.

Micalanne said...

Awww...So Very Sweet...I can't wait to hear how he reacts during the holidays this year as he emulates all those around him.

Steph Brackett said...

What a sweet little prayer! Amazing how wonderfully sweet their little spirits are at that age. I wish that they could stay like that forever and would never have to go out into the big scary world.

averett's said...

He is the cutest little boy! I love his curls. What a sweet boy you are raising!

Janet Patrice said...

...and they never stop watching. My teen boys watch me and they TELL me when they have seen me in act in a way that they question. I think it is cool that they are such good boys and that they keep me in CHECK!

Janae said...

It is so amazing that they really are little sponges...they just soaking in everything every chance they get! Wonderful prayer Ben:)
I am glad you have it written down and captured, it is hard to remember everything so, it is great to have the chance to have it "written down" for history!

Micalanne said...

By the way, you have such beautiful children!

Linda said...

And darn it all goes by sooo fast...