I have discovered that my blog postings looks different, depending on the size of your computer screen. So - sometimes a posting may look really funky to you & just fine to me. I don't know the solution, so I will have to wait to consult with my computer expert brother-in-law, Doug, who helped my sister customize her blog layout. When I create a post on my mac, it looks totally different than it does on my screen, & I think it looks even different if you look at it on a laptop. I really noticed it on my St. Patrick's Day post where I said "anyone for some green milk and green pancakes. Here's to a lucky day!" It looked just great on the monitor for my mac, but then I saw it on my pc monitor & the words looked like a garbled mess. Go figure! So - I'm sorry for the funky-looking posts & I'll hope for improvements in the future!
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
I can read your blog just fine on my PC --- no apology needed.
Likewise, I think your blog always looks great. But, if you're interested, maybe we could trade some tax advice for blog layout?
looks great on my computer....however maybe it is like really super duper stupendous on the mac??? Will have to check it out when we come home.
No problems here. Looks great!
Looks good on my computer too. Doug and I had this problem though with my blog at first. I am sure there is a way to fix it. I wonder what tax advice we need?
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