I can hardly believe that Ben turned ONE today! It just doesn't seem possible. I felt a little sad that my baby was turning ONE. I am just not ready for him to grow up, but what can I do about it? Not ONE thing!! I have been working on a post in honor of Ben's first birthday, and wanted to post it tonight. But, it is still a work in progress, so you will have to wait. For those who couldn't be with us on this momentous occasion, here are a few pictures from tonight's festivities -
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
I so wish we could have been there!!!! Benny is so dang cute, and I cannot believe that these little ones are growing up so fast! Rose will have her turn in just two months! Thanks for posting those pics so we could share in the big day too!
That is ONE happy birthday boy :-)
it was a fun night and ryan keeps playing wit his duck and balloon. He loves to party!
I can't believe he is one! He is looking so much bigger. I guess I have not seen you guys in awhile. The cake looks delish and very cute!
Happy Birthday Ben!
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