Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dear Aunt Katie

Dear Aunt Katie,

Hi. It's me Lacey. Do you like this picture of me? Madi took it. All summer she kept dressing me up and taking my picture. I like to be her modle. Anyway, I wanted to tell you sumthing. My mom said I shud do it on her blog so you wood quit bugging her about win she is going to do a blog post. becuz now she will have a blog post. sorry if i don't spell that good sometimes I forget how to spell some words becuz I am just strting 2nd grade.
Oh - & my mom said to tell you that playing bejooled on facebook sumtimes is not keeping her from riting on her blog.

My mom says she is going to blog agin soon. She said she has sumthing called riters block. I dont know what that is, but I hope she gets better soon! I don't want to get it :( Did you know Madi started high school this week? I am glad becuz she is gone when I get up in the morning and she doesn't bug me any more. I started school this week to. It was ok, but I miss Sponge Bob. I drew a picture of Bikeenee Botum in class today. I wish I didn't have to git up so early - but still not as early as Madi! Hahahahahah Madi!

Did you know that Aunt Janae is having a baby boy? I can't believe it! That means he is going to have 5 big sisters! That's even worse than Benny boy who has 3 big sisters! What is he going to do with all those girls? Ben is glad to get a boy cuzin. I'm glad too. Now you need to have another boy too!

Anyway, Aunt Katie. I wanted to tell you sumthing. Do you remember that cool thing you helped us make at cuzin camp? It was a terr???? I don't remember what it's called . . . . but it's that plant in the soda bottles that uncle J had to cut up for all of us. Do you remember?

I really loved mine with the pritty pruple flower. But guess what Aunt Katie . . .

It doesn't work anymore and I didn't do one thing to it! yuck!


Janet Patrice said...

Lacey - bejeweled keeps me from blogging too....good to know I am not alone.

I loved your blog. Maybe your flower got too much water.

Great job. Your mom's friend


Ficklins said...

This type of post is my favorite. Truly sweet :)

Katie said...


That is totally gross about your flower :( Im sorry. Jared and I did have some issues finding the right sort of flower, I guess that kind was definitely not right! Anytime you feel like you need to watch a little Spongebob, you should come over here. Ryan loves it and I swear we have every movie ever made... Loved your post!

p.s. I dont think any other baby boy is in the works over here!

Katie said...


That is totally gross about your flower :( Im sorry. Jared and I did have some issues finding the right sort of flower, I guess that kind was definitely not right! Anytime you feel like you need to watch a little Spongebob, you should come over here. Ryan loves it and I swear we have every movie ever made... Loved your post!

p.s. I dont think any other baby boy is in the works over here!

Janae said...

First of all...I'll just get it out of the way, am i getting uglier by the week or is that just one hideous photo?
ANYWAY, great post Lacey. Thanks for keeping your mom on her toes. our terrariums suffered the same fate, BUT they were so fun to make:) it's all worth it!
We hope this boy at our house survives his sisters. Were hoping Ben can give him some good pointers:)

LaRae said...

Janae - you are NOT getting uglier by the day. You just had your eyes closed & I guess, maybe, you look like you're in a little bit of pain - but other than that - you are still simply gorgeous!

Did Nicolette's flower have the same problem or just the purple one?

Melanie said...

I am so glad to see a blog post here. . . no matter who wrote it! I hope you Wallaces will keep them coming!

Katie said...

I was wondering the same thing. Was it just the purple flowers that did it, or did th other kind too? And Janae, I am the QUEEN of ugly in pictures, so don't you worry about it. Larae, Im sure, has the pictures to prove it too!