Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I feel my Savior's love

Lacey & Ben, 7 & 3

In all the world around me

His spirit warms my soul,

The boys

Through everything I see.

The girls

He knows I will follow Him,

Ben, age 3

give all my life to Him.

Madi, age 13

I feel my Savior's love,

Katie, age 10

The love He freely gives me.

Lacey, age 7

Highlights of the day -
  • Early morning egg hunt
  • Daddy's homemade whole wheat waffles for breakfast
  • Gathering as a family to read scriptures about Christ and discuss his last week on earth
  • New Easter outfits to wear to church
  • Ben's orange linen shirt and green tie from Children's Place
  • Beautiful weather
  • Brad, LaRae, and Madi singing in the ward choir
  • Katie and Lacey singing "I am a Child of God" and " I Feel My Savior's Love" with the Primary children
  • Delicious Dinner (ham, prime rib, Jared's twice-baked potatoes, homemade rolls, salad, veggies, & Nothing Bundt Cake - YUM) with my parents, 3 brothers, and their families
  • Knowing that we didn't have to get to bed early because our school was giving us one more day of spring break! - Monday off - Yay!

Downsides to the day -
  • Ben's mysterious illness that started at about 11:30 am and was gone the next morning - that caused a very glassy-eyed look, fever, tummy ache, headache, and ear ache (though you wouldn't know by the pictures - the symptoms were a lot worse earlier in the day - with the exception of the ear ache that came on after dinner).
  • Finding out 20 minutes before Relief Society started that the presidency was expecting me to teach (major mis-communication here) - but I did pull it off : )!
  • Being told that dinner was at 5:30 - rushing to get rolls & veggies made by then, after getting home from church at 4:20 - only to find out that dinner was really at 6:00-6:15 (my parents were definitely on 2 different pages here!)
  • As usual, too much candy!


Katie said...

I love the pictures. The green and orange complement each other nicely! I wonder if something is going around again. Ella got ANOTHER cold monday night. Ugh! I cant believe how grown up Madi looks, its sorta sad...but in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Really great pictures. Nice job on the outfits!

Amy Brindley said...

I thought of you last week, all week, as I was preparing my lesson. I wish I could just show up and stress for 20 min. and do the lesson, rather than stress for a week, be grouchy and find everything that needs to be done before my lesson preparations begin. And yes, your lesson went well, nobody even knew.

Steph Brackett said...

The outfits turned out adorable!