Pretty amazing - almost exactly 72 hours after her brain surgery, my mom is home! She came home this morning & really was ready to go home last night. Here she is at home with Katie & Lacey. You can see some discoloration under her right eye. Here scar is near her hair line on that side. This side of her face is a bit swollen, but overall, I think she looks great.
When my dad told me that a typical hospital stay for her type of surgery is 5-7 days, I really expected that she would be in the hospital for a week. She surprised us all! At this rate, in a week or so she should be headed to Costco, doing to church work and babysitting grandkids all at the same time! Yay mom!
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
LaRae so glad you posted a pic of mom for all of us! Such a worry, so glad that she is home, and she really does look great for just having brain surgery.
That is so great that she's doing so well.
Yeah Larae! I'm so glad to hear your mom is home and recovering well. She's in our prayers.
Welcome home Janet! You look great! LaRae thanxoxox for all the up-dates ... they have relieved our worry and concern. Love to all...JK
so glad your mom came through this with flying colors. Because of your mom, I have learned more about how the brain functions and what medical science can do to help improve the health of a brain. I have always admired your mom .... I especially like her name. =)
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