Tuesday, March 4, 2008


A week ago I shared how I read an article by President Eyring that prompted me to begin creating a journal specifically to record, on a daily basis, how I felt the hand of God reaching out to touch either myself or my family. I just want to share that I have been successful in making an entry every day for a week, and even though its only been a week, I have enjoyed the process of purposefully looking for things each day that I can record in my journal. During this past week I could feel the love of my Heavenly Father during a morning walk with a cool breeze at my back and the sun shining on my face. I could feel Him through acts of kindness or thoughtful gestures from friends and family. I felt his Hand reaching out to me in scriptures that I read and in a book I purchased. I could feel Him through an email from my mom and phone calls from Brad at times when I was feeling sad or frustrated.

I will admit that I had a couple of somewhat "downer" days, & I had to reach to the furthermost crevice of my brain to come up with something. I don't think it's because God wasn't around, I think it's because I didn't particularly want to notice. One of those days, I was even tempted to resist feeling the Lord's hand in my life altogether. It was just one of those days.

So now, it's week 2 and I am going to keep at this, because it is something I need and something I want. A week ago I invited anyone who wanted to join me in this quest to feel the Hand of God on a daily basis. If you decided to do that, how is it going? If you haven't started, why not start now? You won't be sorry, I promise!


Melanie said...

Thanks for the reminder LaRae. I'm not doing this right now, but in the past I have kept a gratitude or scripture journal. When I do this I am so much happier and aware of the spirit. I'm going to start now and let you know how it goes.

Janae said...

I have started. I can't say every day but, some:)

dawnae said...

I posted my reply, I am very serious about this, wanted to do my journal last night....but had a horrible night, was so exhausted......oh somehow I have got to get it together!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder because I really want to do this. I always have downer days when I'm trying to do positive things ... just being tested I guess. So, I'll get started and report back.