. . . bank this morning. I had a little experience this morning that I have to share -
As I drove up to the drive-thru ATM at a Wells Fargo not far from my house, I noticed a rather old & rickety car driving up right behind me and pulling into the ATM next to me. The car looked so thrashed & I was really curious to see who was driving such a beater. For some reason, I was surprised to find that the driver was a woman - probably in her late 50's (maybe 60's). With that, I turned to the ATM to get my cash & didn't think another thing about the car next to me. As I was getting my money, I looked up to find the driver of the car standing right beside my car window. I must admit that I was a little rattled by this and probably looked a bit shocked. It is a bit unnerving to have someone walk up to you at the ATM. The woman seemed a little rattled herself & asked me if I could help her. She said that someone had just hit her car & she needed to get it towed. She said that she wasn't a CRAZY lady & could I please help her! (she told me she wasn't crazy several times - I assume to put me at ease) Then she told me her story . . . She had borrowed her friend's car to come to the ATM to get $36 to pay for the car to be towed & discovered that she didn't have her bank card. Could I please loan her the money & she would find a way to pay me back. She seemed quite distressed by all these events and really looked like she could use some help. She told me her name (which I didn't remember), told me that she was a nurse at a nearby hospice (she was wearing scrubs), told me she made $30 an hour & she just couldn't believe this was happening.
After listening to this story, I wasn't quite sure of what to do, but felt that I should help her. I thought, "If I were in her shoes, I would really appreciate it if some kind stranger helped me out." I asked her how she planned to pay me back. She asked for my number & said that she would call me tonight. I had nothing to write on, but she said she did. So, I pulled into a parking spot & she drove up beside me & handed me a paper & pencil. I wrote down my name & cell phone number & asked her for her name, since I had forgotten it. Fran. OK Fran - here's $40. I smiled. She smiled. She shook my hand and thanked me & said she would call me tonight. I felt really good as I drove away. It felt good to help someone in need and I looked forward to hooking up with her again when she repaid me.
At about 6:00 I wondered what time she might call. I walked around all night with my cell phone in my pocket so I wouldn't miss her call. At 9:00 I checked to see if I had missed a call somehow or if I had a voice mail message. No missed called & no voice mail. Now it's after 12:30. Fran hasn't called. I don't think she's going to call. It's not that I cared that much about the $40, I just wanted to believe in the integrity of Fran. I wanted to believe that strangers can help each other out & that honesty will prevail. Am I naive? Am I idealistic? Maybe. I just hope that Fran truly needed that $40 more than I did & that she spent my money well.
a funny thing happened on my way home from taking Katie to soccer camp this evening . . .
My day ended with another random learning experience, and another experience that put a smile on my face. I was driving home with Lacey & Ben in the car after we had taken Katie to a park to learn soccer skills for 2 1/2 hours. Lacey said, mom, "let's go somewhere for dinner - just you & me." (Brad & Madi are on a little daddy-daughter trip for a couple of days, so there was no one to worry about at home) I immediately started thinking of all the reasons NOT to go to dinner. Lacey, Ben doesn't have any shoes. Lacey, your hair isn't combed. Lacey, I don't have any extra diapers & what if Ben poops. "No, I don't think we should go." There's plenty to eat at home & we really don't need to spend the money." Lacey, of course, did not care that Ben was without shoes or an extra diaper or that her hair wasn't combed. A couple of minutes went by & I thought, we should go to dinner. I pulled off a freeway exit so we could go to Metro Pizza - not far off the freeway - on our way home - it's early, so we'll beat the crowds - it's rather convenient & good food! Why did I even think this was a bad idea? I didn't tell Lacey what we were doing, and she didn't realize what was happening until we walked into the place.
Once seated, Lacey said, "We're on a date, mom, but Ben is with us too." She told me she wanted to order all by herself, which she did - spaghetti. Our server brought her soda in a "big person" glass, which Lacey thought was pretty cool. We had a great time, just the three of us. As I sat there, I learned my lesson that I need to embrace these opportunities. With 4 kids it's not easy to spend time with just one (& a half!). I was so happy I took that freeway exit & I was sad I didn't have my camera to take a picture of Lacey eating her spaghetti. But my cell phone (sitting on the table patiently waiting for Fran's call) saved the day. I love a quality photo, but sometimes, it's just great to preserve the moment!
I am glad that these "funny things happened on my way home" today. Fran may have been feeding me a line (I'll give her the benefit of the doubt & will just assume that she does not have the money to pay me back), but if her story were true, she really did need a little help from a stranger. I was glad to be there to "help". I was glad to be there for my daughter, who wanted some special time with mom. I am thankful for those little whisperings in our minds & hearts that tell us to go beyond what is "convenient & comfortable". I like these kind of lessons, and I think my kids do too!
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
LaRae~ this is a great post! I am glad that you had faith in Fran. We have to hope that people are still honest and I think if you felt ok about giving her the money then there was a reason for that. Maybe she really did just need the money and you were inspired to give it to her, even though she maybe could not pay it back. I don't know just a thought.
Also, I am glad you and Lacey got a date. I have found with all my girls I truly have to make special efforts and constantly trying to find even little times that I can spend one on one time with them. I think it is important and means so much to them. The pictures are great also even with your cell phone! I think your phone takes a pretty good picture. Ben and Lacey look so happy and content. what a fun night:)
What a fun dinner with Lacey and Ben! love going to eat w/ Zac. I hope if I'm ever in need you pull up next to me at the ATM! That was very generous of you!
OH MY GOODNESS--that is the same lady and story who got me to give her $40!
sorry--stop thinking the best of her--she took you for $40 and ran.
she is a scam artist. i have met one other person who was taken by her too! she works around this area and we should be cautious! the days of helping someone like that out are gone i think. sorry for thinking that--but they just are!
think about it--who needs cash to tow their car from an accident scene or what about borrowing the money from the friend who lent her the car or calling her employer and letting them help her if she was such a highly paid nurse. or- she could just drive home and get her card with the borrowed car.
she likes to create a sense of urgency and panic. when she approached me i was pushing the boys (about 1.5 years old) in the stroller into an Albertsons! She gave me the same story about her car being hit and needing money for the tow truck. She was in scrubs too. She kept telling me she was not crazy and she would walk along side me when I tried to continue on my way into the store. Finally--though i knew i was being taken i just said whatever--i know your story is bogus but you must need the money bad--and i gave it to her like a sucker. i should never have given her the money. i have regretted it to this day. it only validates what she does. ugh! frustrating eh?
I am just loving that picture of Lacey eating the darn cute! About Fran, maybe her cell phone got towed away with the car, because she left that in there along with her keys to her apartment. Which honestly would happen to me....or maybe she was too ashamed to tell you she didn't have the money to pay for daipers and formula for her nine month old grandson that she is now taking care of....because her daughter is a crack addict....never know??? Anyway did you get a specific name of the place she works? Maybe you could call and see if she really works there. Maybe she had a heart attack after all the stress and is lying in a hospital clinging to life....and therefore could not call you....I could come up with these all night long...but I better go to bed.
ps. I am proud of you for giving her the went with the spirit or your gut feeling...and you will get blessings from that despite what she does with the money.
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