Right about now I am ready for a little LESS structure! The last few weeks of school seem to be so busy that by the time the last day of school comes, not only are the kids ready, but I am ready for a break. Ben knows the routine too well. The other day I walked into his room after his morning nap and he looked at me & started waving & saying bye bye (because he knows that the structure of our day is to leave after his morning nap & go pick up Lacey at school). He spends so much time in his car seat while his sisters get taxied around. I am hoping for a little less car seat time for buddy Ben in the coming months.
I am sorry to say the blogging has suffered a bit as our days have been packed with school plays, science experiments, dance recital rehearsals (the recital is this Saturday), end of year parties, dressing up for spirit week at school, making teacher gifts, and so it goes . . .
Here are a few photos from our fun -
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
I am also ready to have a break from the day to day schedule which includes seminary...(I need a bit more sleep, too!) Then an evening of homework...projects...studying Japanese vocabulary...violin practice... LaRae, you really made me think about this! I didn't realize how much we get accomplished in a day and then, fall in to bed tired!
not fickle...I too look forward to summer and definitely less running around....although I think we have quite a full summer with all the family stuff! Anyway I would like to know, Katie, which substance rusted the nail the fastest?
I love the idea of dual plays - West Side Story - Romeo & Juliet. Fun. It sounds like your kids have great opportunities at their school.
Love that science project! It looks like lemon juice won, is that right? It contains citric and ascorbic acids. I would have guessed acetic acid would win.
I love summer vacation with the kids! I enjoy getting reacquainted with them and making memories that last all school year!
For those interested in the outcome of the science experiment - this is what we learned - both through the experiement & through research -
The first visible evidence of rust appeared on the nail submerged in tap water - & this was followed by the nail submerged in distilled water. There was no evidence of rust on any of the nails in acidic liquids - including lemon juice, sprite, or white grape juice. However, this does not mean that the nail wasn't rusting. What it means is that acidic liquids eat rust as well as metal. If we wanted to see which substance started to break down the nail the quickest, we should have weighed the nail both before & after being submerged in the liquids. Just by a visual observation, it appeared that the nail in Sprite was disintigrating quicker than any of the other nails. This would be because the phosphoric acid in the Sprite is stronger than the acids in the lemon juice & white grape juice.
I too look forward to summer and lazy days, and like you, by the end of summer I will be ready for school and structure again.
We don't officially start summer break here until the 19th, when Zoe has her last day of school!
Science project -
Several years ago Grant did a project similar to the one you talked about here. He put a penny in 5 different kinds of soda and we found that the Coke actually started to EAT the penny! ICK - that is why I stick to Dr. Pepper
My lazy days of summer have not been very lazy yet:( oh well! We are having fun...I am sure Ben is going to enjoy summer:) I love the science project,very interesting. Also, I would of loved to have seen Madi's play. I hear from sources that she was fantastic!
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