Hi everyone - it's so good to meet you! I was just told yesterday that I am a bad mother. If only I would have been called "mean" - "mean" mother I could have handled - "mean" mother I know - my mom was a "mean" mother. I'm always mean (or so my kids think) & proud of it - but "bad". Well, that was a new one for me. Now, you tell me, is this really the face of a bad mother? I don't think so. When I think of a "bad" mother, I think of drug addict, criminal, someone who abuses her children - physically or verbally, someone who puts her kids in someone else's care all day, everyday so she can go to the spa or go shopping, someone who neglects her children & doesn't take care of their basic needs, someone who lets her kids do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it, however they want to do it, just to keep them quiet & out of her hair, etc., etc. Do I do any of these things - NO! Bad mother - I think NOT.
So what earned me this dubious title, you may ask. What crime did I commit? What cruel behavior did I display? Well, I was caught teaching my daughter about rules & consequences - about how if you don't follow certain rules, certain consequences follow - usually unpleasant ones. She did not like this & therefore deemed me a bad mother. Funny - I thought that meant I was being a good mother. This is not the first time I have taught my daughter this, but for some reason, this time, I was BAD!
Well, if that means bad, then I will continue to be bad. Here's to all the other "bad" mother's I know. You're out there & I say, good for you! Now - this "bad" mother has to go and make some brownies for her daughter (yes, the very same daughter who called her mother bad) to take to school tomorrow to share with her class. Good night, bad mamas!
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
oh being a mother is so much fun sometimes. I haven't earned the dubious (sp) title of "bad" yet, just mean so far. I am sure it is coming! Good to have this documented so when she has her first "bad" mother experienceyou can pull this out and....well what goes around comes around! (but by then you will just be sympathizing.) It is so unfair that our revenge comes so many years down the road! :) ps. I am glad you are a "bad" mom, here is a shout out to all of us "bad" moms out there. Also I think your web cam pictures are always so cute...keep em coming.
I am afraid we all would be classified as the "Bad Mama" because nobody ever seems to want to be told what to do or how to do it. And, on the other hand I don't like anyone calling my sis a bad mama! Here's to one of the greatest mom's I know, my sis LaRae!
LaRae -
I think I have not been called a bad mom, but I have been told that I was hated, which for me was worse than any name. Of course, my son quickly apologized and showered me with love...so fo me, I would take "bad" over "hate," and I don't think I would have made her good brownies...it would have been funny to make them look awful, but taste good...prove a point.
Enjoy Friday!
Once I was called the "B" word and I swear the earth stood still. He was out the door and long gone before my senses returned which probably lengthened his life a bit.
I notice on the book club books you're reading for this year you have All Over but the Shoutin'. That is one of my all time favorite books. I use many passages from it when I teach narrative writing. I hope you love it, too.
I also love Persuasion. I had to memorize and recite the letter at the end once. Hmmm . . . I wonder how much I could still recite.
etGood for you LaRae! I'm so glad you are a Bad Mom! As for me, I've experienced all the Looks from a certain daughter of mine that need no words; just an imaginative vocabulary! My son on the other hand lets me know exactly what is on his mind. So, just to let you know, I have been "ruining" his life since he was 6 yrs. old. Yet, he is the only one who will say "I Love You" everyday. You may enjoy reading a book by Linda Eyre entitled "I Didn't Plan On Being A Witch".
Cute picture of you!
absolutely hilarious! your soooo "bad" your "good"
tell her that with a little hint of nah, nah, nah, nah, nah in your voice! ha
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