Don't you just love it when you run into an old friend you haven't seen in a while? About a week ago I ran into a friend I used to work with & haven't seen in about 7 years. It was so good to reconnect with her, even if for a brief moment, to see her & her new baby & to hear about her life since we last were in touch. We parted ways & I don't know when I will see her again, but it made my day to see her. Since I have started this blog, I feel like I have "ran" into a lot of old friends - a sort of reunion, and it has been so much FUN! I have heard from friends who I haven't talked to in a while. I have even heard from friends who I haven't been in touch with for a VERY long while, and I have heard from family members who I didn't really expect would be interested in reading my blog. I have to share that just tonight I heard from a friend who I have not seen or been in touch with since college! Talk about exciting - hey LaRae (yes, the one other person I have come across in my life with the same name) - so glad you found my blog & so great to hear from you! It is with great anticipation that I check my e-mail daily just to see who has left a comment to one of my posts. I know that besides those who are leaving comments, there are also some of you out there who I know & love who are reading & not commenting, and that is just fine. I am just glad you are sharing in my life.
When I sent out my initial e-mail to invite friends & family to visit my blog, I wasn't sure what to expect. Since that time, I have discovered that when we have established a relationship with someone at any point of our lives, most of us truly have a desire to stay connected to each other. Unfortunately, we end up losing connections as the many responsibilities and obligations that occupy most of our time begin to take over. It ends up being virtually impossible to stay connected to everyone we would like to stay connected to. The internet makes it so easy & convenient to stay in touch - differing time zones are not a problem, whether or not someone is home is not a problem, the fact that the other person is busy doing something at the time we attempt a connection is NOT a problem! We all hop on the computer at various times throughout the day or night, so it's easy to take a look at someone's blog or send a quick e-mail. A connection is made that cannot be made in any other way. Isn't it great?!
Thank you dear family & friends for coming to my reunion & for wanting to stay connected! Let's keep it going!
Everett Andrew Duncan, Jr. 9/26/1958-01/02/2015
10 years ago
1 comment:
how funny. i just wrote something like this post last night and when i went to publish it typepad was down. i wish i had saved mine so i could have posted it tonight. but what you say is so true. i was just thinking it myself! hey, another reason blogspot is a good thing besides it being free....maybe it does not go offline when you get a great post composed!
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